Comprehensive cover with low excess. Get your quote now.

Comprehensive pet insurance with low excess

Whether you’re protecting your cat or dog with Napo, you’ll benefit from comprehensive pet insurance with low excess. It’s just £99 per condition, per year.
Rated 4.5 · 3015 reviews

We've got tails wagging!

Pet insurance with low excess, high lifetime cover

Free vet video calls

Unlimited 24/7 video calls with UK vets and behaviourists. So you can always get expert help.

Fast fuss-free claims

Our simple claims process is quick, easy and all online. Read how to claim here.

Low excess

We have a low standard excess charge of £99 per condition, per year. No matter your policy.

What is pet insurance excess?

Whether you’re insuring your pet, your car, or your house, you usually have to pay excess.
Pet insurance excess is an amount of money that you agree to pay anytime you make a claim for a new condition. This money is your contribution towards the cost of veterinary treatment.

What is Napo’s excess?

In the case of Napo, we offer a low pet insurance excess of £99 per condition, per year.
For example, if you insure your dog and claim for an ongoing condition, like diabetes, you only have to pay your excess once per year. Even if you visit the vet a few times and make multiple claims for that condition.
Our excess charge is standard too, so it won’t change between claims.
When your policy renews at the end of the year, you will need to pay excess on each new or existing condition you claim for. But you’ll still only need to pay once per year for each different condition.
The only time we’ll ask you to pay a different excess charge is in the case of third party liability claims. This only affects dog owners. Our third party excess is always £250. It’s higher because of the legal fees required for liability claims.

We've got you covered for:

Accident and illness

If your pet gets poorly, we’ll cover vet treatment. That includes tests, surgeries, hospitalisation, medication, and more.

Dental work

We’re one of the only insurers to cover dental illnesses, including tartar removal and extractions.

Complementary treatment

Such as physiotherapy to help mend a torn muscle, or treatment to relieve general aches, pains, and stiffness.

Behavioural treatment

To stop bad habits like excessive grooming, or helping pets feel less anxious when you’re not there.

Travel and holidays

We include travel cover in case your pet needs to see a vet abroad, or you have to extend or cut a trip short because of your pet.

Emergency boarding

Covering the cost of putting your pet into a kennel or cattery if you need to go into hospital and can’t look after them.

Finding a missing pet

If your pet goes missing, we’ll pay advertising costs and the reward.

Third party liability

If your dog injures someone or damages property and a claim is made against you (but these breeds aren't covered).

What customers think about Napo

Rated 4.5 · 3015 reviews

Frequently asked questions

How does excess work on pet insurance?

Excess on pet insurance works in a similar way to any other kind of insurance excess. When you make a claim for a new condition, you’ll be asked to pay an excess to start a claim.
Insurance companies have excess charges as a way of preventing fraud. They help to prevent false claims.
At Napo, we keep our excess charge as low as possible, to show our commitment to you that we’ve got your back. With some insurance, a high excess charge can become a barrier for people wanting to make claims.We know having a sick pet and making a claim is stressful enough. So we keep our excess low so you won’t be put off from claiming.

When do you pay excess on pet insurance?

When you pay excess on pet insurance depends on what agreement you have with your insurer and your vet.
Here at Napo, you never pay excess to us. It always goes to your vet. So when you need to pay excess will depend on what your vet would like you to do, and when they want you to pay.
For example, some vets will ask for the full cost of treatment upfront. In those cases, we’ll refund you the amount you claim for, minus the £99 excess.

How often do I need to pay excess?

With Napo, you only need to pay excess once a year for each new condition you claim for. For example, if you claim three times in a year for the same condition, you'll only pay the excess once.

How much is pet insurance excess?

There’s no set answer on how much pet insurance excess is. That's because each pet insurance provider has a different excess charge, and excess charges can even vary between policy. Most insurers will have a range of different excess charges that go from £0 right up to £500.
In the case of Napo, we offer pet insurance with a low excess that doesn’t change. Your excess will always be £99 for any claims for accidents, injuries, or treatments. The only time we’ll ask you to pay a higher excess charge is for a third party liability claim, which is £250.
So whether you’re looking for dog insurance with low excess, or cat insurance with low excess, we only have one low excess charge for our pet insurance. So no matter what policy you have, or what condition you claim for, you’ll only be asked for a £99 excess charge.
Plus, you only need to pay excess once a year for each new condition. So if you need to claim multiple times for the same condition in a year, you only have to pay excess once.

What is the average excess on pet insurance?

It's tricky to work out the average excess for pet insurance because each provider will have a different charge, and some will even offer several excess options for the same policy. Your excess charge can also change depending on the age of your pet. It’s pretty confusing, and can be hard to track!
To try and get an idea of what the average excess on pet insurance is, we checked prices for lifetime pet insurance using Go.Compare. All these figures are from November 2022 and come from quotes for a 2 year old Lab living in South East England.
Our search for lifetime pet insurance gave us 130 quotes, with an average excess of £127.53. 
During this check, we found that Napo had the cheapest pet insurance excess at £99. We only found one other company with a £99 excess, but their vet fee limits were lower. Only 12 quotes provided had an excess charge lower than £100.
Meanwhile, the most expensive excess charge we saw was £250!
Remember, any quotes you’ll be given will depend on the animal you’re insuring, their breed, their age, and where you live. So you might find the costs for your own quotes are different. But one thing that won’t be different is our excess charge.
No matter what Napo policy you pick, or whether you’re insuring a dog or insuring a cat, a big breed or small, it will always be £99 per condition, per year.

Who gets the money from excess?

Your vet gets the money from your excess. Napo never receives any of the money from excess charges.

Can you get pet insurance with no excess?

Yes, you can get pet insurance without excess. It’s sometimes called “no excess pet insurance”, or “0 excess pet insurance”. This is where you won’t have to pay an excess charge when you make a claim.
However, having no excess charge doesn’t always mean the insurance is cheaper. Policies without excess can have more expensive premiums, meaning you pay more every month. Some zero excess pet insurance need you to pay co-pay instead, which is when you have to pay a certain amount of your vet fees when you claim.
Because you only pay excess when you claim, it’s important to weigh up the more regular costs of your premium.
At the moment, Napo doesn’t offer zero excess pet insurance. But our excess is one of the lowest you can get. You also don’t need to pay it on every claim, just once a year for each different condition.

What is variable excess on pet insurance?

Variable excess is when you commit to paying a percentage of every claim you make. This your excess charge will depend on the claim amount, and you'll pay more for more expensive treatments. 10% or 20% is common for variable excess pet insurance.
So if you have a 20% variable excess, you’d pay £40 if you were claiming for £200, but you’d have to pay £400 if you claimed for £2000.
Most pet insurance companies offer a fixed excess, which is a set amount you pay when you make a claim.
At Napo, we have a fixed excess charge of £99 per condition, per year.

What is percentage excess in pet insurance?

Percentage excess is basically the same as variable excess. Instead of paying a fixed fee for each claim you make, you’ll have to pay a percentage of the total cost of your claim. So you'll have to pay more excess for larger claims. 10% or 20% are common rates of percentage excess on pet insurance.
Napo does not have percentage excess. We offer a fixed excess of £99 per condition, per year.

What is voluntary excess pet insurance?

Voluntary excess is an amount you can choose to pay towards vet fees. This is usually on top of your compulsory excess. Paying voluntary excess can sometimes lower your monthly premiums, but it means you pay more when you make a claim.At the moment, Napo does not offer a voluntary excess option.